Pope Francis: Let's Gay it Up in Here

pope hat plane full disclosure During a press conference held aboard the pope's Flying Hat Jet today, Pope Francis announced that while being gay still kinda grossed him out, if two priests wanna make out with each other and Jesus is down to just watch, then it's all good.

Via the AP: "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked. "We shouldn't marginalize people for this. They must be integrated into society.

I actually thought "The New Normal" was pretty good.

For a guy who wears a fancy bedazzled hat and is constantly putting crackers into people's mouths made from the body of a 2,000 year old dead dude, this seems like a small but long overdue step, if nothing more than a political one to help save the Catholic Church and their hemorrhaging membership.

Pope Francis has been vocal about wanting to change the attitude of the Catholic church, bringing it up to speed with rapidly evolving views on modern social issues. Rumor has it he even carried his own bags during his trip, telling a beach bum named Jesus who eagerly wanted to help to "take a load off."

So you hear that clergymen? Quit prayin' that gay away! And clergywomen - oh, right.