Positive Pregnancy Tests Being Sold on Craigslist to Trick Men
Desperation breeds creativity, and the economic climate has apparently inspired some Bay Area women to seek income using a very creative method.
Pregnant women are taking to Craigslist, eBay, and other e-commerce sites to sell their positive pregnancy tests to women who are looking to trick men into believing they're pregnant.
Hey, I'm all for being an entrepreneur, and it's never too early to teach your kids the value of having a job.
It should be noted that these postings are not the same as the Craigslist ad for the woman offering to pee on a stick in front of you for money.
Considering that most pregnancy tests run about $13 at Walgreens (I've been told), $25 really isn't a bad deal. Although given how intimate I insist on being with women, there would be an awful lot of effort needed on her part to explain why she's still getting her period.
See guys, this is just another reason you really should acquaint yourself with your lady's menses.
If all else fails, just tell her you're pregnant too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOy2y07qF50
Shout-out to The Snitch for the tip.