Masturbation App Teaches Women How to Pleasure Themselves Guilt-Free

Vulva Val HappyPlayTime Tina Gong App Stimulating a woman's clitoris can be a confusing and at times daunting task for men. While most men know that the clitoris is located in the butthole, many are unsure of the proper way to stimulate it, and the technique a female desires can vary from woman to woman.

Which is why it's no surprise that many women themselves lose out on all the glory of masturbation because they too find it confusing, daunting, and worst of all shameful.

Thankfully, HappyPlayTime is a new app that seeks to teach women about their bodies and how to pleasure them, while breaking down the taboos that surround female masturbation. [Full Disclosure: I invented a similar app years ago called setting the ringtone to vibrate.]

From the HappyPlayTime Mission Statement:

Sexuality is one of the most basic instincts of human beings. Being comfortable with your own sexual pleasure is a prerequisite to both being able to healthily accept pleasure from others, and pleasing others. How can you exchange pleasure with someone else if you don't understand what your own body likes? That's why masturbation, and learning how to masturbate is such a fundamental life lesson.

Unfortunately for many women, there has been a cultural stigma that blocks access to self-stimulation. HAPPYPLAYTIME is here to eliminate this barrier as much as possible. By talking openly and lightheartedly about female masturbation, we are taking the first step to becoming truly sexually liberated.

The app (which is due to come out this fall) gives women statistics on masturbation, anatomy lessons, and a variety techniques all while being led by an adorable Wii-like character I've decided to call Vulva Val. HappyPlayTime Screenshot App Tina Gong

For instance, the app cites a statistic that most women masturbate between the ages of 25-29 (my key demographic!), but nearly 47% of women masturbate less than once a month every year. HPT is looking to increase not only the frequency of female masturbation, but the transparency about it. (I would love to see an infographic of my own masturbatory habits. "Eric has stopped to masturbate in the middle of 75% of the articles he's written.")

HappyPlayTime was developed by designer, developer, and entrepreneur Tina Gong. Tina's blog is chockfull of incredible design projects, including particular attention paid to erotic art, so I'm already a big fan of her.

As mobile technology has become easier to develop and more accessible, it's putting more information in the hands of those who may otherwise not have access to it, steadily eroding many of the taboos our society has surrounding sexuality. Gong's HPT is just the latest example. Last month we saw the unveiling of the first Google Glass two-way POV adult video, which was really touting the technology's ability to be used by couples. Imagine actually seeing what it's like to go down on yourself, that way you can throw up a little in your mouth along with your partner! (Honestly I think this would be really hot, which is a testament to how vein I am.)

If you're interested in HappyPlayTime, you can signup to be an alpha tester on their website. And in the meantime, checkout the neat infographic Gong put together below:
