A 13-Year-Old Boy Could Be Forced to Register as a Sex Offender for Pranking Friends With a Picture of His Genitals

boy on ipad sex offender A 13-year-old Australian boy could be placed on a national sex offenders registry for sending a salacious picture of his genitals to his friends.

The boy was apprehended by police for reportedly producing and disseminating child pornography. It's believed the boy took a picture of his genitals using a school-purchased iPad and sent it to his friends as a joke.

Whale now, lits sai wut we heeve oyrselves ere. Looks layk a toiny didgeridoo stuck between two Weet-Bix - CRIKEY THITS TIMMY'S COCK N BOWLS.

Come on, kid. It's called Snapchat. Get with it.

Australians MP (I believe that's Master of Phunk) Bob Such told the South Australian Parliament that the nation's current child exploitation laws needed to be revised in order to discern between those who pose a threat to children and those who made a simple error in judgement:

Under our current law there is no real separation between how we deal with adult sexual predators and these silly 13-year-olds and that's my real concern that, rather than protecting children from adult predators, what the law is currently doing has the potential to turn these 13-year-olds into criminals.

Current laws prevent those on the sex offender register from pursuing many work opportunities as well as restricting other activities.

John Rau, Attorney-General for South Australia (who even knew South Australia was a thing?) said their government was examining the details of the case, and that it appeared unlikely the boy would be prosecuted or convicted, noting that a judge can apply discretion should the case come before them.

Police Commissioner Gary Burns did confirm that police officers have been holding in-school programs designed to alert students that what might while inducting people into the Pen 15 club might seem harmless, it could potentially carry life long consequences.

It will be great when we no longer need to worry about Australian kids knowing what a penis looks like, and we can bring childhood back to a more innocent time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfDvonII6fM